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Meggo's Minutes

Meggo's Minutes

Dale Stean22 May - 11:30
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Club Update

Hi all,

A week early due to the school half term being next week, the committee met and discussed the following:

Fourth Team - We are growing increasingly concerned with the feasibility of the fourth team following several weeks of very poor availability. Whilst we are going to continue to explore several avenues to allow the fourth team to continue, we would like to encourage all club members to ask friends, family, colleagues or anyone they think might be interested in playing to come along and get signed up! Could we also help the captains by completing your availability as soon as possible.

First Aid - the club will be running a first aid course, free of charge for anyone that wants to do it on the 24th June 18:00 start. Please make it known to your respective Captain/coordinator if you would like to attend.

Working Party - we have taken onboard feedback about the Saturday working parties and decided that these will now take place on the first Sunday of the month after their pizza party which will still be on the first Saturday of the month after matches. If more people could come down and help with the groundworks that would be hugely appreciated and allow us to cut costs on simple things like paying gardeners to do the hedges. The next working party will take place Sunday 2nd June.

Socials - I can now confirm that we will be getting a darts board up in the clubhouse. This will hopefully be operational within 2 weeks. It is worth noting that this will not be used whilst games are going on but will absolutely be made use of after matches and other social occasions.

Safeguarding - the club is now fully up to date on all ECB safeguarding policies, concussion protocols and DBS checks.

Clubs person of the Month
This month's Club person of the month goes to Dale Stean. Dale works tirelessly behind the scenes on the club website, leads from the front as first team captain, organised the darts night last month and is always on hand to help with odd jobs around the club house. Any nominations for next month please pass on to Meggo before June 23rd.

As the sun begins to shine, let's hope for success on and off the field!


Further reading