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May 100 Club Result

May 100 Club Result

Stuart Palmer1 Jun - 12:07
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We’re you lucky this month….?

The winners of the April 2024 100 Club are:

First place - Christine Root £50
Second place - Talia Abadie £30
Third place - George & Val Tomlinson £13

Thank you to everyone that is part of the 100 Club. The funds that you help raise go a long way to supporting the Club.

That was the final draw for the current year. Please watch your inbox’s as I will be sending out details very soon for the new season 2024 - 2025. Ideally I’d like to achieve at least 100 players but I need YOUR helping in achieving this - so please get your numbers
The more players the bigger the prize fund!
There are a lot of free numbers so if you’d like one let me know. The list is on display in the clubhouse
Kind Regards

Stuart Palmer

Further reading