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Sponsorship Required

Sponsorship Required

Dale Stean4 Apr - 10:00
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Can you help?

Ahead of this season there are ways in which our members can avoid having to pay their annual membership fee.

As a Club, we are investigating ways in which we can increase our revenue without asking our members to pay more. Gaining sponsorship is one way and you can help us achieve that!

So, the free annual membership fees all relates to sponsorship introductions. The Committee have agreed to implement the following membership fee waivers:


  • If you introduce a new sponsor to the Club, and that sponsor spends £200 or more this year, then the Club will waive your membership fee for this season. For parent members, this relates to one child playing member only;

  • If you introduce a new sponsor to the Club, and that sponsor spends £1,000 or more this year, then the Club will not only waive your membership fee for this season but the Club will not charge you any match fees for the entire playing season. For parent members, this relates to one child playing member only
  • The Club understands that times are tight so we have updated our Sponsorship brochure and reduced all of the prices. The latest Sponsorship brochure is attached to this article.

    Please share with your employer, friends, family member that runs a business (or even if they don't) and see if they will sponsor the Club.

    Every little helps and you could support the club whilst saving money yourself!

    If you have any questions about the sponsorship packages please contact a member of the committee or if you are able to sell any, please contract Jude Bowler on


    Sponsorship Brochure 2024

    Further reading